Tethys Petroleum Limited: RETRANSMISSION-Tethys Petroleum Limited: Second Quarter 2009 Financial Results
ST. PETER PORT, GUERNSEY--(Marketwire - Aug. 17, 2009) - Tethys Petroleum Limited ("Tethys" or the "Company")(TSX:TPL) today announced its half year and second quarter 2009 financial results which are underscored by a 79% increase in revenues over the second quarter of last year and a five fold increase over the first quarter of this year.
The Company reports financial results in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").
- Production revenues for the quarter from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan totalled some US$2.8 million compared to US$1.6 million for the same period in 2008 and $0.5 million for Q1 2009. The newly acquired North Urtabulak oil project in Uzbekistan contributed approximately US$1.6 million of the Q2 2009 revenues. Oil production from the North Urtabulak field attributable to Tethys in Q2 2009 averaged 914 barrels of oil per day ("bopd") compared to current net production which is some 1,000 bopd.
- Gas production from the Kyzyloi Field in Kazakhstan increased by 236% in Q2 2009 compared to Q1 2009 with the work on the upgrading of the Kyzyloi production system being completed (to take Phase 2 Akkulka Field gas). However, because of restrictions further up in the Bukhara-Urals gas trunkline Kyzyloi gas output was reduced to approximately half of its planned production level with effect from the middle of May averaging some 400 thousand cubic metres a day (Mcm/d) (14.1 million cubic feet a day (MMcf/d)) for the quarter. As a result of this reduction in the Kyzyloi output the level of revenue generated in Kazakhstan in Q2 2009 was less than anticipated at approximately US$1.2 million. This restriction has now been removed and gas production is currently some 520 Mcm/d (18.4 MMcf/d) to be progressively increased to 566 Mcm/d (20MMcf/d).
- A net loss of approximately US$5.6 million was recorded in Q2, 2009 compared to a net loss of approximately US$5.0 million for the same period in 2008.
- Capital expenditure of approximately US$4.8 million was incurred in Q2, 2009 compared to US$9.6 million for the same period in 2008.
The unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements for June 30, 2009 and Management Discussion and Analysis are available in full on [ www.sedar.com ].
Tethys is focused on oil and gas exploration and production activities in Central Asia with activities currently in the Republics of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. This highly prolific oil and gas area is rapidly developing and Tethys believes that significant potential exists in both exploration and in discovered deposits.
This press release contains "forward-looking information" which may include, but is not limited to, statements with respect to our operations. Such forward-looking statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions. See our Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2008 and other filings for a description of risks and uncertainties relevant to our business, including our exploration and development activities.
Tethys Petroleum Limited
Interim Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
As at June 30, 2009 and December 31, 2008
(in thousands of US dollars)
June 30, December 31, January 1,
2009 2008 2008
$ $ (see note 23) $
Non-current assets
Intangible assets 23,837 11,688 7,335
Property, plant and equipment 75,043 69,839 38,327
Investments 606 587 318
Other receivables 4,284 6,357 5,814
103,770 88,471 51,794
Current assets
Inventories 458 213 -
Trade and other receivables 2,800 2,664 1,360
Cash and cash equivalents 20,549 22,200 26,692
23,807 25,077 28,052
Total assets 127,577 113,548 79,846
Equity and Liabilities
Equity attributable to
Share capital 13,455 6,639 4,511
Share premium 153,863 138,598 94,972
Other reserves 26,767 25,147 20,728
Accumulated deficit (78,263) (66,654) (44,470)
115,822 103,730 75,741
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities - borrowings 4,638 5,096 -
Other non-current payables 461 523 776
Provisions for other liabilities
and charges 200 465 1,050
5,299 6,084 1,826
Current liabilities
Financial liabilities - borrowings 1,149 853 -
Financial liabilities - warrants 629 146 -
Trade and other payables 4,678 2,735 2,279
6,456 3,734 2,279
Total liabilities 11,755 9,818 4,105
Total shareholders' equity and
liabilities 127,577 113,548 79,846
Commitments and contingencies -----------------------------------------
Tethys Petroleum Limited
Interim Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Loss
For the three and six months ended June 30
(in thousands of US dollars, except for per share amounts)
Three months ended Six months ended
June 30, June 30, June 30, June 30,
2009 2008 2009 2008
$ $ $ $
Sales and other operating
revenues 2,797 1,566 3,326 2,997
Production expenditures (956) (196) (1,241) (263)
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization (1,398) (1,249) (1,915) (2,354)
Share based payments -
Foreign exchange loss -
Exploration and evaluation
expenditure written off (109) (274) (126) (274)
Fair value gains (loss) on
derivative financial instrument (101) 112 (61) 141
Administrative expenses (5,099) (5,228) (10,572) (9,253)
Operating loss (4,866) (5,269) (10,589) (9,006)
Finance income 19 257 49 424
Finance costs (746) (11) (1,069) (1,052)
Loss before tax (5,593) (5,023) (11,609) (9,634)
Taxation - - - -
Total comprehensive loss for
the period attributable to
shareholders (5,593) (5,023) (11,609) (9,634)
Loss per share
Basic and diluted (0.06) (0.10) (0.15) (0.21)
No dividends were paid or are
declared for the period (2008 -
All operations were continuing
throughout the period
Three months ended Six months ended
June 30, June 30, June 30, June 30,
2009 2008 2009 2008
$ $ $ $
Cash flow from operating
Loss before income tax for
the period (5,593) (5,023) (11,609) (9,634)
Adjustments for
Share-based payments to
employees 916 2,084 1,620 2,925
Net finance cost/(income) 727 (246) 1,020 628
Unsuccessful exploration and
evaluation expenditures 109 274 126 274
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization 1,398 1,249 1,915 2,354
Fair value gain/(loss) on
derivative financial
instrument 101 (112) 61 (141)
Net unrealised foreign
exchange loss (83) 18 1,167 34
Operating cash flows before
movements in working capital (2,425) (1,756) (5,700) (3,560)
Increase in trade and other
receivables 732 558 162 (172)
Decrease in trade and other
payables 725 58 254 (207)
Increase in inventories (129) - (245) -
Cash used in operations (1,097) (1,140) (5,529) (3,939)
Interest received 19 124 49 291
Net cash used in operating
activities (1,078) (1,016) (5,480) (3,648)
Cash flow from investing
Expenditure on exploration and
evaluation assets (3,056) (1,563) (9,006) (1,697)
Expenditures on property, plant
and equipment (1,722) (8,002) (6,009) (11,408)
Acquisition of subsidiary net
of cash received 532 532
Investment in restricted cash (11) (21) (19) (126)
Advances to construction
contractors 234 (782) 1,154 (2,066)
Value added tax receivable 31 (62) (44) (4)
Net cash used in investing
activities (3,992) (10,430) (13,392) (15,301)
Cash flow from financing
Proceeds from short-term
borrowings 2,500 - 2,500 5,300
Repayment of short-term
borrowings (2,500) - (2,500) -
Repayment of long-term
borrowings (152) (186) (364) (186)
Interest paid on long-term
borrowings and other
non-current payables (230) - (392) -
Other non-current liabilities (20) (182) (42) (204)
Proceeds from issuance of
ordinary shares 20,000 50,000 20,000 50,000
Costs of issuance of ordinary
shares (1,981) (3,750) (1,981) (3,750)
Net cash used in financing
activities 17,617 45,882 17,221 51,160
Effects of exchange on the
balance of cash held in
foreign currency 36 - - -
Net decrease in cash and cash
equivalents 12,583 34,436 (1,651) (32,211)
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of the period 7,966 24,467 22,200 26,692
Cash and cash equivalents at
end of the period 20,549 58,903 20,549 58,903