VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 10, 2010) - UC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:UC) ("UC") is pleased to provide the following corporate update regarding the La Yesca mill site and XORA properties in Nayarit State Mexico.
The UC mill at La Yesca has now begun the initial run up to full throughput production. The addition of the larger ball mill and various upgrades to the mill was completed within the planned timeframe and within the constraints of the proposed budget. Mill ramp up will consist of steadily increasing daily throughput until the design throughput of 220 tons per day has been met. During this process the percentage of solids as well as chemical levels will be monitored very closely to arrive at or exceed bench test recovery numbers. Commissioning of the mill is expected to take approximately three months until commercial production is achieved. The company intends to run the mill at a through-put rate of 220 tonnes per day with between 4-5 years of production tailings available.
Exploration on the XORA claim is presently well underway. A systematic rock chip sampling program is presently being completed as well as Induced Polarization conducted by Geo Asociados S.A. de C.V. of Guadalajara. While results from these two programs are pending an access road will be driven to the initial drill location on the top of the XORA claim where historic mining has taken place. Presently the drill is being tested at the La Yesca mill to insure its reliability and logistical support is being organized. It's worth noting that during the line cutting for the geophysical program that some new veins were exposed at surface, these have been sampled and assays are pending.
Mineral Planet S.A., a 100% owned subsidiary of UC Resources Ltd., has received confirmation from Mexican Geologic Service, Servicio Geologico Mexicano (SGM) an agency of the Mexican government that a grant of approximately $92,000.00 has been made available to assist in the direct cost of drilling on the XORA claim. The plan is to commence drilling as soon as possible after geophysical and rock sampling results are received and analyzed.
UC completed an additional five holes totalling 697 metres of drilling on the eastern block of the optioned property. The first two holes were drilled to test an anomaly (near McFaulds #7) located to the southeast of the Big Daddy chrome project, and southwest of McFaulds Lake VMS deposits. Only short intercepts of chalcopyrite and sphalerite were encountered. Anomalous values of copper and zinc were received (UC-09-08 returned 0.613% Cu over 1.5 m between 71.2 and 72.7 metres downhole, UC-09-09 returned 0.933% Zn over 0.5 m between 51.2 and 51.7 metres downhole). A third hole was drilled to test an anomaly located on the western portion of the eastern block near the extreme north western border of the property. Hole UC-09-10 failed to intersect any significant mineralization. Two holes were also drilled on the northern claim group (of the eastern property), testing coincidental magnetic and electromagnetic anomalies, both of which failed to encounter any significant mineralization.
Some of the drilling completed in the 2009 drill campaign in the McFaulds Lake Claims Option area has identified areas of interesting mineralization as related to possible better mineralization nearby, but further geophysics will be required to isolate potential targets.
UC Resources is an active explorer of base metals and chromite in the McFaulds Lake area ("Ring of Fire") of the James Bay Lowlands, Ontario, as well as an explorer and a near term producer of precious metals in Mexico.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Jim Voisin, President& CEO
UC Resources Ltd.
Website:[ www.ucresources.net ]
We seek safe harbour.
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