W2 Energy Inc.: W2 Energy Receives International Attention With Its Algae to Diesel System
TORONTO--(Marketwire - September 2, 2009) - W2 Energy, Inc. (
The W2 facilities will turn algae into syngas and then make diesel from the syngas without having to make biodiesel. The elimination of the step which produces biodiesel substantially reduces the end cost of the diesel. W2 Energy is the only system currently available that eliminate the manufacture of biodiesel in the process.
Remember, with a W2 Energy plant, GARBAGE BECOMES A RENEWABLE RESOURCE.
The W2 Plant is a closed system with no release of CO2 in the atmosphere. It requires no pretreatment or sorting of contents. All other systems require sorting and pre treatment. No pretreatment substantially reduces the cost of operations.
W2 Energy trades in the United States on the OTC under the symbol "WTWO." For further information, please contact Mike McLaren at (519) 341 3185 or [ www.w2energy.com ].
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