The state's Legislative Audit Council found that USC's Office of Economic Engagement misspent federal grant money, paid for trips to sporting events and was consistently over budget for years.
The article from The State discusses the ongoing debate over the implementation of a new social studies curriculum in South Carolina schools. The curriculum, which was approved by the state's Education Oversight Committee, aims to provide a more inclusive history education by incorporating perspectives on race, gender, and other social issues. However, it has met with resistance from some conservative groups and lawmakers who argue that it promotes a "woke" agenda and could make white students feel uncomfortable or guilty about historical events. Critics like State Rep. April Cromer have voiced concerns that the curriculum might indoctrinate students rather than educate them. Conversely, supporters, including educators and civil rights groups, assert that the curriculum is essential for a comprehensive understanding of American history, reflecting the diverse experiences of all Americans. The debate has led to calls for a pause in the curriculum's rollout to allow for further review and public input.