Welcome to our Business and Finance News Section. Whether you're a homeowner concerned about your own personal finance or you're a corporate entrepreneur concerned with the global economy, this is the page to turn to. Even if you're somewhere in between, maybe with your own home based business, you'll still find something you can relate to yourself. Remember, knowledge is power!
Laws affecting business and finance, hot business trends, even specific industry and company happenings will all be covered here. You can read about new business laws and how they'll affect you.
Watching the stock market can be a full time distraction for many people who work in other areas themselves. How is the S&P 500 and DOW doing or how will the market ends the day? With today's global business village, if something big goes down on the other side of the planet, you'll want to know how it affects your business or finances at home. Find out here. Worried that your employer is playing with their accounting? Wondering which company will next run afoul with the IRS or SEC? Watch it unfold in the news right here.
This section isn't all about corporate finance. Maybe you'd like to keep your eye on the numbers so you'll know when it's a good time to finance that new car you've already picked out. Should you refinance your house or keep the mortgage that you've got right now? Learn about new tax laws that help you protect your assets as soon as they come out! Don't wait until the news gets rehashed into a Tax Guide for you to start putting your own personal finances into order.
You don't have to be Donald Trump or Bill Gates to understand or appreciate the news presented in this section. You just gotta love the color of money! Whether it's corporate finance or household finance, you'll read about it in our Business and Finance Section.
Market Wire